Johnny Logan
Johnny Logan (født 13. maj 1954) er en irsk/australsk sanger og komponist, der er mest kendt for sine sejre i Eurovision Song Contest i 1980 og 1987 med henholdsvis What's Another Year og Hold Me Now samt som komponist til vindersangen fra 1992 Why Me, der blev fremført af Linda Martin.
Johnny Logan er den eneste i melodigrandprix-historien, der har vundet flere sejre ved Eurovision Song Contest, og bliver derfor også kaldt for "Mr. Grand Prix".
Johnny Logans to vindersangen "What's Another Year" og "Hold Me Now", var af Melodi Grand Prix fans over hele verden blevet valgt ud til Congratulations. Her blev "Hold Me Now" kåret som den tredje bedste Eurovision Song Contest sang i historien. Han skriver oftest selv sine sange, men har også gennem tiden lavet coverversioner af bl.a. Robbie Williams' Angels og evergreen'en When you walk in the room.
Johnny Logan optræder med sit fantastiske liveband i Johnny Logan & Friends
Johnny Logan was born in Frankston near Melbourne, Australia May 13, 1954. He was given the name Seán Patrick Michael Sherrard. His father, the famous Patrick O'Hagan, was an Irish tenor who managed to perform no less than three times at The White House in front of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon respectively.
The family moved to Ireland when Johnny Logan was aged three. He started singing at the age of nine and by the time he was thirteen he had learned to play the guitar and was writing songs. He accompanied his father on tours in Australia and New Zealand as an assistant and dresser as his father suffered from a disease that prevented him from lifting his arms above his chest.
Johnny Logan has no doubt that his choice of profession goes all the way back to these tours where he and his father were killing time by singing together in the dressing-rooms of the great concert halls. Johnny Logan has been singing professionally since the age of fourteen.
Johnny Logan has won the International Eurovision Song Contest three times. In the Netherlands April 1980 with "What’s Another Year" composed by Shay Healy. He won for the 2nd time in Brussels May 1987 as a singer and composer with "Hold Me Now". No one else had ever won the Eurovision Song Contest twice as a performer. "Hold Me Now" rose to number 2 in the UK chart and the single sold six million copies. In 1992 in Malmö he won for the 3rd time as a composer with "Why Me" sung by Linda Martin.
Johnny Logan, known and respected for his great talent as a singer and songwriter; has released numerous albums during the years, performed for many heads of state counting The Pope John Paul II, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, won several awards and appeared on top Television shows throughout Europe, Asia and Australia.
Johnny Logan Booking
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